La Reine Marie
Couture Collection
La Reine Marie
The Queen of all things naughty and nice
Voltaire once said of France, “we are the whipped cream of Europe.” Nothing further exemplified this statement than the luxurious extravagance of France’s castles and their monarchs. Queen of France Marie Leszczyński brought this image to life through her taste of grandiose décor, ushering in the age of Rocaille and Rococo.
Though known as the simple and pious wife of King Louis XV, Queen Marie exhibited a more daring, flirtatious side through her style and courtly habits (it’s said that she split her royal allowance evenly between charity and gambling)—her love of abundant florals and elaborate, curvaceous designs made her chambers true works of bewilderment, fitting for royalty.
Our La Reine Marie collection includes precious cushions mixed with unexpected geometrical designs and luscious velvets. Our vintage print pays homage to the period of beauty and abundance in French art history with its Rocaille print. Mixed with modern designs and our reimagining of the print’s emblematic flower, the collection embodies both the unexpected and the refined.